Further Customization Questions

  1. Your hook works for me for .txt files once I add plain to the regex.

  2. Already answered. I want to point out to mawww’s kakrc, from where this was taken, in case you wanna take a look: great kakrc’s.

  3. I use kitty too. If you just want to open a new kitty window, checkout the commands :terminal, :terminal-tab and :new. You can do :terminal nnn for your used case. Kakoune will recognize if you are using tmux, kitty or other terminals and map :terminal to the appropriate command (commands for other terminals don’t get sourced). So, basically, in you case :terminal is an alias for :kitty-terminal. To make use of them, you need to enable in kitty's configuration file remote control. And if you are interested in implementing more functionality (like split with special parameters) you could check how the command is implemented.

    By the way, take a look at the plugin connect.kak if you want to open files from nnn to your kakoune window easily.

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