No worries, it’s nice to have someone take an interest and it has spurred me on to build it better myself. Give this a run for some fun.
New update to kakoune-kotlin.kak
are auto-completers for import statements.
- Kotlin 2021, All Types, Kotlin Standard Library, v1.5.20, viewed 01 July 2021,
- Kotlin 2021, All Types, kotlinx Coroutines Core, viewed 01 July 2021,
- Kotlin 2021, All Types, Kotlin Test, viewed 01 July 2021,
Lenormf’s kakoune welcome mat for users.
# Allow cycling to the next/previous candidate with <tab> and <s-tab> when completing a word
hook global InsertCompletionShow .* %{
try %{
execute-keys -draft 'h<a-K>\h<ret>'
map window insert <tab> <c-n>
map window insert <s-tab> <c-p>
hook global InsertCompletionHide .* %{
unmap window insert <tab> <c-n>
unmap window insert <s-tab> <c-p>
- Lenormand, F 2018, out-of-the-box, oob.kak, viewed 28 February 2021, out-of-the-box/oob.kak at master · lenormf/out-of-the-box · GitHub
- Lenormand, F 2020, kakoune-extra, viewed 01 March 2021, GitHub - lenormf/kakoune-extra: Extra scripts that implement experimental features, highlight custom files/languages
What are Completers?
Bye all .