Kakoune on windows platform

I use WSLtty, which is pretty fast and does a great job of being xterm-compatible and configurable. It lacks bells and whistles like multiple tabs, split panes etc., but tmux is better for that anyway, in my opinion.

I also follow Windows Terminal’s development and its devs are fairly responsive to issues like this. They improved their compatibility a lot lately (and with a lot of external contributions too), but they are still lacking some things like bold font support that I need.

Hi everyone,

For those who are seeking a Windows port of Kakoune, there exists a cool plugin for VS Code, Dance. Here’s the link: https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=gregoire.dance
Having VSCode “beneath” Kakoune is much lighter than having Cygwin, let alone WSL or Linux VM. Of course, it doesn’t have all of Kakoune’s features but is quite close.

That said, I see a danger of this or a similar plugin to totally eclipse the Kakoune itself, which I don’t want. I don’t need VS Code features, e.g. I prefer dealing with GIT from command line.
That leads me to this question - is there a place, e.g. a portion of source code such as #includes section that lists all the requirements of POSIX stuff?

I was wondering if a combination of the following can be sufficient to be a “replacement base” for Kakoune:

  1. NuShell - https://www.nushell.sh/ - a cool cross platform shell written in Rust
  2. Ripgrep - cross platform grep
  3. Windows ports of sed and some other utilities (can’t give a link as I am only allowed to add two links)
  4. Certain other text processing can be done inside NuShell itself
  5. And finally, languagues like Perl, Python, Ruby are all cross platform.