[SOLVED] Help needed setting texlab up - Latex Language Server Protocol

The usual kak-lsp troubleshooting procedure might offer some clues:

  • instead of letting Kakoune automatically launch kak-lsp, launch it manually yourself with a specific session name:

      kak-lsp --session foobarbaz
  • In a separate terminal, run Kakoune with the same session name, so it will connect to the kak-lsp you’ve already started:

      kak -s foobarbaz path/to/my/document.latex
  • Run lsp-capabilities in Kakoune, and check the terminal containing kak-lsp for error messages.

If that doesn’t provide enough clues, try it again but this time add -v to the kak-lsp command line… or -vv or -vvv or however much additional verbosity you want.