Anchor mode

declare-user-mode anchor

map global anchor a '<esc><a-;>;'     -docstring 'reduce to anchor'
map global anchor c '<esc>;'          -docstring 'reduce to cursor'
map global anchor f '<esc><a-;>'      -docstring 'flip cursor and anchor'
map global anchor h '<esc><a-:><a-;>' -docstring 'ensure anchor after cursor'
map global anchor l '<esc><a-:>'      -docstring 'ensure cursor after anchor'
map global anchor s '<esc><a-S>'      -docstring 'select cursor and anchor'

map global normal ';' ': enter-user-mode anchor<ret>'

Nothing fancy but I find these shortcuts more complete and easier to memorize than the native ;, <a-;> and <a-:> trio.

I feel like sometimes it’s better to sacrifice one direct access key (; in this case) to open up a whole new sub mode of related commands.


I often find the same, and I tend to prefer modes to modifiers as they feel more pleasing to my hands.

Saved as anchor-ops.kak. However …

… I had to quote the ; to avoid a syntax error at startup; Kakoune sees the ; as the end of the statement and complains about “insufficient arguments to command”.

Sorry about that. I use a different enter-key and I just changed it to ; for consistency with the default layout before pasting here.

I like the command you added to ensure selections are in backward direction.

However, I’m not convinced with the command to reduce selections to their anchor. Although I understand the convenience due to a non direct access for flipping, it feels like it misses one step, or a visual effect to sound natural.

Nice, I’ve adopted it

I’ve found that with locking, there is no need to remember mode’s keys. Also extended it with kind of undo key, which restores original selection:

declare-user-mode anchor
map global anchor a '<a-;>;'     -docstring 'reduce to anchor'
map global anchor c ';'          -docstring 'reduce to cursor'
map global anchor f '<a-;>'      -docstring 'flip cursor and anchor'
map global anchor h '<a-:><a-;>' -docstring 'ensure anchor after cursor'
map global anchor l '<a-:>'      -docstring 'ensure cursor after anchor'
map global anchor s '<a-S>'      -docstring 'select cursor and anchor'
map global anchor u 'z'          -docstring 'restore selection'

map global normal ':' 'Z: enter-user-mode -lock anchor<ret>'
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