BufWritePost, what I'm missing?

Well… first of all sorry if a solution to my problem is quite obvious, but I can’t simply get my head around why this isn’t working. I’m still quite a noob when it comes to kakoune, so any help any help would be greatly appreciated.

hook global BufWritePost ~/.config/x11/xresources %{
    eval %sh{ xrdb "$kak_buffile" }

I haven’t tried it myself, but my first guess would be that the hook parameter for BufWritePost is an absolute path like /home/ugh/.config/... rather than ~/.config/.... You can check for yourself by making another BufWritePost hook with a .* regex, that just does echo -debug just wrote %val{hook_param} to log the contents of the hook parameter.

Indeed you were right! The filename in the BufWritePost hook is pattern matching with the buffile value. I just wonder if at somepoint there will be a way to hook to just the basename of a file, but that’s another topic I guess.

Well, the hook parameter is matched against a regex, so if you just want to match the basename of the file, you can do something like:

hook global BufWritePost .*/xresources %{
    # whatever

Ah of course! Thank you so much!

If it needs to be portable, but still match the global path exactly, it becomes more involved, as you’d need to read the environment for that, but can’t do it from the regex. Maybe

eval %sh{
  echo "hook global BufWritePost"
  echo "${file}"
  echo '%{ eval %sh{ xrdb ' "${file}" ' }}'