C/C++ Comment Continuation

When writing C or C++ code with the /* */ comment style, when you start a new line kakoune automatically inserts spaces and a *.

Effectively, this comment style:

 * <comment>

I work in a code base where the style is:


So, every time I go to make a comment block, I have to undo the work kakoune did “for me.”

This seems to be related to kakoune/rc/filetype/c-family.kak at d92496449d0c9655253ad16363685bb8446dc582 · mawww/kakoune · GitHub … but as I’m relatively new, is there a way to replace this logic or would it be reasonable to modify kakoune to add a boolean option that could be set for whether or not this continuation is injected?

you can do set-option global disabled_hooks (c|cpp)-insert (or .*-insert to apply it to all filetypes).
Alternatively, remove-hooks can be used to the same effect (but that’s harder to dynamically toggle)