It’s a simple trick I got used to in spacemacs, so implemented the same in kakoune:
map -docstring "comment and paste" \
global user '#' %{: exec -save-regs '"' <lt>a-s>gixy:<lt>space>comment-line<lt>ret><lt>space><lt>a-p><lt>a-_><ret>}
It’s a simple trick I got used to in spacemacs, so implemented the same in kakoune:
map -docstring "comment and paste" \
global user '#' %{: exec -save-regs '"' <lt>a-s>gixy:<lt>space>comment-line<lt>ret><lt>space><lt>a-p><lt>a-_><ret>}
It’s not working for me. Should it make a copy of the current line before commenting?
Do you have comment-line
command? It should be built-in I suppose.
Yes it yanks a line, comments it and then pastes original line below.
Not sure why it’s not working for you, btw I use master version of kakoune.
Nevermind, I didn’t notice I was mapping it in the user mode.
I also got this one from spacemacs, it’s quite nice.
Here’s my version which also maintains the selections.
define-command copy-and-comment %{
evaluate-commands -save-regs ^ %{
execute-keys -draft Z:comment-line<ret><a-x>yP:comment-line<ret>z
With the breaking-cleanups branch it’s even simpler:
define-command copy-and-comment %{
evaluate-commands -save-regs ^ %{
execute-keys -draft %{ZxyP: comment-line<ret>z}