Fzf.kak stops working after updating to tmux 3.4

Hi, I’ve run into a weird issue.

After updating my (NixOS) system, it seems like the plugin fzf.kak has stopped working. When running any of its commands, there is no fzf split appearing. I only see the clippy popup with the help for the keyboard bindings. The *debug* buffer doesn’t show any related information.

Any ideas for how to debug this? Not much to go on, I know…

My fzf.kak configuration is pretty minimal:

plug "andreyorst/fzf.kak" config %{
  map global user f ": fzf-mode<ret>" -docstring "fzf"

In the command line, fzf seems to work fine still…

I already tried deleting my ~/.config/kak/plugins directory and recreate it using :plug-install, but it didn’t do any difference.

I think I narrowed this down to tmux having been updated from version 3.3a to 3.4. I don’t know why that is a problem though.

get tmux server and client logs

I had this problem as well, the problem seemed to be from: 3.4 questions and comments · Issue #3836 · tmux/tmux · GitHub

Fix is easy enough as suggested there. For me, I was lazy and changed these lines to set to the empty string. Unfortunately we cannot upstream a real fix as the repo is archived. fzf.kak/rc/fzf.kak at 6910bfb4c23cac59c17f5b7850f7bd49aba3e5cb · andreyorst/fzf.kak · GitHub

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Thanks for the link, I went with set global fzf_preview_tmux_height 50 (without the %), and it seems to have circumvented the problem.

It’s unfortunate that there’s no “official” fork of the fzf plugin…