Fzf.kak v1.0.1 released!

fzf.kak v1.0.1 release

This is major update of fzf.kak that brings new features, and some bug fixes.


  • Exposed support of different terminals via `terminal’ command #40
  • Fixed VCS modules not respecting current pwd #42
  • Rewritten main fzf function #43
    fzf command now supports arguments in any order via switches. Switches available:
    • -kak-cmd: A Kakoune command that is applied to fzf resulting value, e.g.
      edit -existing, change-directory, e.t.c.
    • -multiple-cmd: A Kakoune command that is applied when multiple items
      selected to every item but the first one.
    • -items-cmd: A command that is used as a pipe to provide list of values to
      fzf. For example, if we want to pass list of all files recursively in
      current directory, we would use -items-cmd %{find .} which will be piped to
      fzf tool.
    • -fzf-impl: Override fzf implementation variable. Can be used if command
      needs to provide a different arguments to fzf.
    • -fzf-args: Additional flags for fzf program.
    • -preview-cmd: A preview command. Can be used to override default preview
    • -preview: If specified, command will ask for preview.
    • -filter: A pipe which will be applied to result provided by fzf. For
      example, if we are returning such line 3 hello, world! from fzf, and we
      are interested only in the first field which is 3, we can use -filter %{cut -f 1}.
    • -post-action: Extra commands that are preformed after -kak-cmd command.
  • *grep* buffer is now populated with extra items #44
  • Plugin files now can be loaded in any order #45
  • Some options were renamed, so configuration update may be needed

Awesome work! This let’s me get rid of the fork I initially made :slight_smile:

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I just discovered projects feature (yeah, I’m quick :V) and it’s dope! Great job!

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I know that you’ve used Emacs before, did you used projectile? Because whole fzf.kak plugin was inspired by this Emacs package, so possibly expect more to come from it, but if you had any different usage that I don’t use, I would appreciate any incoming ideas.

I used Spacemacs so Projectile was bundled. Fzf.kak feel pretty similar in terms of functionality. If I recall something missing I’ll open an issue :slight_smile: