How do I evaluate multiple commands from %sh{}?

How would I do something like this in Kakoune?

%sh{ echo "evaluate-commands %{ map global normal j k;  map global normal k j}" }

If I run the echo’ed result by itself it works fine:

evaluate-commands %{ map global normal j k;  map global normal k j}

The error I’m getting is:

no such command: 'evaluate-commands %{ map global normal j k;  map global normal k j}'

Note: I’m not actually trying to change my j and k bindings around. This is just a silly example.

If you just straight-up type:

%sh{ echo "evaluate-commands %{ map global normal j k;  map global normal k j}" }

…at the : prompt, or paste it into your kakrc, then Kakoune will evaluate the shell-script, and replace the %sh{} block with the script’s standard output as a single string. You can get the same effect by just writing:

'evaluate-commands %{ map global normal j k;  map global normal k j}'

Of course, because it’s a single string, Kakoune doesn’t look inside it, it just takes the whole thing and tries to look it up in the list of available commands. It can’t find such a command, because legitimate command names cannot contain spaces or % or ;.

If your shell-script produced just a command name, it would work:

%sh{ echo "info" } "hello world"

Here the shell block produces the output “info”, which is a real command, so Kakoune tries to execute:

"info" "hello world"

…which works.

On the other hand, if you wanted the shell-script to output a whole string of commands for Kakoune to evaluate, you need to use evaluate-commands to make Kakoune look inside the shell output and evaluate what it sees:

evaluate-commands %sh{ echo "evaluate-commands %{ map global normal j k;  map global normal k j}" }

That did the trick. Thanks @Screwtapello!