Kakoune-kotlin.kak - Kotlin language support

Due date: August 18, 2019


  • kotlin.kak


  • kotlin.keywords
  • kdoc.keywords
  • kakoune.faces
  • kakoune.commands
  • kakoune.keys

Problem Domain

  • Minimise the use of strings with a higher level of abstraction
  • Correct indentation on keywords and tokens
  • Loosely couple modules



  • Me
  • Myself, and
  • I



Outside the scope [Future project]


inline fun <reified T : Enum<T>> enumKeywordAlternationGroup(decapitalize: Boolean): AlternationGroup {
    return enumValues<T>()
            .joinToString(prefix = "(", postfix = ")", separator = "|")
            { it.toString() }.also { when { decapitalize -> it.decapitalize() } }

fun keywordAlternationGroup(size: HowManyKeywords): AlternationGroup {
    require(size > 0) { "$size > 0 is false" }

    if (size < 2) return "(%s)"

    val sb = StringBuilder()

    for (k in 0 until size) {
        val isFirst = { k == 0 }
        val isLast = { k == size - 1 }

        when {
            isFirst() -> sb.append("(%s|")
            isLast()  -> sb.append("%s)")
            else      -> sb.append("%s|")
    return sb.toString()

fun String.wordBoundaryFrontAndBack() = "\\b$this\\b"

[1] Still in the design phase hoping to move into TDD next week time permitting.

@duncan kt should be a different project no?

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yep working through it will have it all sorted on projects completion. thanks alex.

Waiting for my brain to catch up to my ambition.

Reading list is below working through chapter 5 The joy of Kotlin. The book provides a nice bridge between Kotlin and Haskell. Will likely upgrade Kakoune to the latest release version around Xmas break. Back and forth between Kotlin and Haskell and enjoying the challenge, thanks for the push @SolitudeSF.

Dmitrij Žemerov, Isakova, S, Andrej Breslav & Manning Publications 2017, Kotlin in action, Manning, Shelter Island, Ny. https://www.manning.com/books/kotlin-in-action

Samuel, S & Bocutiu, S 2017, Programming Kotlin : familiarize yourself with all of Kotlinā€™s features with this in-depth guide, Packt Publishing, Birmingham, Uk. https://www.packtpub.com/application-development/learn-kotlin-programming-second-edition

Pierre Yves Saumont 2019, The joy of Kotlin, Manning Publications Co, Shelter Island, Ny. https://www.manning.com/books/the-joy-of-kotlin

Hutton, G. and Cambridge University Press (2018). Programming in Haskell. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/programming-in-haskell/8FED82E807EF12D390DE0D16FDE217E4

Bird, R 2014, Thinking Functionally with Haskell, Cambridge University Press. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/thinking-functionally-with-haskell/79F91D976F0C7229082325B41824EBBC

 * foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
 * foldl _ v [] = v
 * foldl f v (x:xs) = foldl f (f v x) xs
 * foldl (#) v [x,y,z] = ((v # x) # y) # z
 *             [x,y,z] = (([] : x) : y) : z
tailrec fun <A, B> foldl(
    f: (B) -> (A) -> B,
    v: B,
    xs: List<A>
): B = if (xs.isEmpty()) v
       else foldl(f, f(v) (xs.head()), xs.tail())

 * foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
 * foldr _ v [] = v
 * foldr f v (x:xs) = f x (foldr f v xs)
 * foldr (#) v [x,y,z] = x # (y # (z # v))
 *             [x,y,z] = x : (y : (z : []))
fun <A, B> foldr(
    f: (A) -> (B) -> B,
    v: B,
    xs: List<A>
): B = if (xs.isEmpty()) v
       else f(xs.head()) (foldr(f, v, xs.tail()))

@SolitudeSF solved the ā€œstringsā€ problem the laziest way possible kakoune-kotlin.kak/rc

Next 12-months will look to implement something a bit more in the spirit of the challenge:

Starts at coding demo: KotlinConf 2019: Bootiful GraphQL with Kotlin by Dariusz Kuc & Guillaume Scheibel with the docs found here GraphQL Kotlin

Inspired by @delapouite real world example found at kakoune electron that uses kakounes Json-Rpc user interface.

Got a big second semester this year, so well see whats doable by years endā€¦