I guess kakoune under WSL can be a good solution if we would like to use it under Windows.
Kakoune version has been installed with the git clone
$ kak -version
Kakoune v2019.01.20-203-g06d4ee57
WSL Ubuntu version is
$ lsb_release -a
No LSB modules are available.
Distributor ID: Ubuntu
Description: Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS
Release: 18.04
Codename: bionic
Clangd version installed with apt-get is
$ clangd --version
clangd version 7.0.0-3~ubuntu0.18.04.1 (tags/RELEASE_700/final)
kak-lsp can be launch
$ kak-lsp
Apr 19 10:50:19.208 INFO Starting main event loop, module: kak_lsp::session:31
Apr 19 10:50:19.209 INFO Starting editor transport on, module: kak_lsp::editor_transport:106
Debug buffer of kakoune
*** This is the debug buffer, where debug info will be written ***
Dependency unmet: gocode, please install it to use go-tools
Dependency unmet: goimports, please install it to use go-tools
Dependency unmet: gogetdoc, please install it to use go-tools
Dependency unmet: jq, please install it to use go-tools
Config-change detected:
and kak-lsp.toml has been modified and moved from .config/kak/plugins/kak-lsp/ to .config/kak-lsp/
But when I launch a “.cpp” with Kakoune, I don’t see kak-lsp activation.
I should see the error code activation on the number line column.
And other clangd functionnality.
Other strange behaviour is that I can not see the kakoune command :ranger ??
I replaced roots line as you advice.
This is not working too with same behavior.
But I don’t yet provide compile_flags.txt under the project.
This was working well with original kak-lsp.toml under Manjaro and now under openSuse (to try because I changed SSD).
That’s why I’m wondering what I could mess trying to use kakoune under WSL.
Don’ t worry and thanks for your help.
Maybe someone else will succeed to use it under WSL.
We will have confirmation that kakoune is also available under Windows.
Hello! It might worth trying to run kak-lsp server manually with debug logging for better understanding of the problem.
Try to do kak-lsp -s mysession -vvv in one terminal, and open file inside your cpp project with kak -s mysession src/path/to/my/file.cpp afterwards in another one. Debug output in the first terminal could have clues for goes wrong.
Maybe it could become a ranger plug-in ?
I need to have a look on andreyorst “fzf-project” which seems to be a good candidate to navigate in project.
Hello ulis,
Is there a way to check that clangd is responding ?
Kak-lsp seems well set and is running. Kakoune also.
But when I open a cpp file , I can not see the error bar added in the number line columns. It should work even with no files in the root project (compile_flags.txt", “compile_commands.json”).