Know a plugin like this?

mv/mkdir/rm/etc. plugin

I remember seeing a plugin that had these “basics” of unix commands implemented, but I can’t remember what it was called.

These are fairly trivial to implement myself but eh I rather install something that handles e.g. buffer moves, than reinvent.

attach to server on cd into project dir

To replace cd in terminal → start kakoune, flow:

To handle :cd <dir><ret> into a directory with a running kakoune server and attaching to that automatically, or creating a server if a .git dir exists (i.e. it’s a project dir).

mru buffers

I made a terrible most-recently-used files list for myself but I realize now that I only want to see open buffers in it. I can’t figure out how to use arrange-buffers myself, seems to do nothing? I want the list in order of most recent first.

I don’t think this is possible. The :cd command is always executed by a Kakoune server, and a server can’t merge itself to a different server.

:arrange-buffers affects the content of %val{buflist} and therefore the behaviour of :buffer-next and :buffer-prev. The completions for the :buffer command are always sorted alphabetically, :arrange-buffers doesn’t help with that.

If you start Kakoune with kak a b c d e then %val{buflist} will be:

*debug* a b c d e

:arrange-buffers takes the buffers you name and moves them to the front of the buffer list. If you do :arrange-buffers d c, then %val{buflist} becomes:

d c *debug* a b e

If you set up a hook to move the current buffer to the front of the list every time you switch buffers, like this:

hook global WinDisplay .* %{ arrange-buffers %val{hook_param} }

…then %val{buflist} will always list buffers in most-recently-used order.

Of course, %val{buflist} is a session-global value, so if you have multiple clients connected to the same session, switching buffers in one client will affect %val{buflist} in the others, which might not be what you want. Maintaining an MRU list of buffers per-client would be a lot more involved.


hook global WinDisplay .* %{ arrange-buffers %val{hook_param} }

This combined with peneira (GitHub - gustavo-hms/peneira: A fuzzy finder crafted for Kakoune) works pretty well already, big thanks!

map global goto A '<esc>: peneira-mru-buffers<ret>' -docstring 'MRU buffers'
define-command -override peneira-mru-buffers %{
    peneira 'buffers: ' %{ printf '%s\n' $kak_quoted_buflist } %{
        buffer %arg{1}
hook global WinDisplay .* %{ arrange-buffers %val{hook_param} }

Though as you mention, typically a per-client mru list comes handy but I’ll have to see.

arrange-buffers %val{hook_param} is genius

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About unix tools, I have some of them implemented here: dotfiles/.local/share/kak/autoload/tools at master · alexherbo2/dotfiles · GitHub

Currently, :cp, :find, :grep, :ls, :make, :mkdir, :mv, :nohup, :pwd, :rm, :sh, :sort and :unlink.

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Perfect, must’ve been where I saw them in the first place :star_struck: Thanks!

Some more I’m looking for: