map global user g %{<A-i>w,m<esc>:grep <C-r>.<ret><esc>:evaluate-commands %sh{echo rename-buffer *grep*:`uuidgen`}<ret>}
I am loving having multiple grep’s that I can walk forward and back across with C-o C-i – what I am looking to improve is two things.
- Rather than a uuid, use the search term (feels fairly straightforward, but don’t have it yet, because it has to be used multiple times
- Make grep next and grep prev use the latest one I either (a) ran or (b) traversed… can’t decide which behavior would be best.
I don’t understand the multi-grep workflow and implementation.
- What does
- You can remove the
part of grep
. With no argument, grep
uses the contents of the main selection by default.
,m is kakoune-mark in my config.
So as I grep multiple things they end up highlighted.
@robertmeta I’m lost at following what does the workflow (if you can show me an asciicast ).
Fair enough, it is hard to explain, but I really like it. It doesn’t depend on anything except a search tool (so works across anything) and leaves breadcrumbs I can go back through later. It leaves those grep buffers rather than blowing them up when I do the next grep.
You can’t use grep-next-match
since you rename the buffer, no?
How about a grep-append
Yes, grep-next-match was broken by my rename.
hmpphh… but your idea might actually be even better, if I could put a little like grepped for above those results and a spacer… would grep-next barf on it? I was initially just trying to get the thing I searched for in the buffer name, but appending could be an even more useful workflow, assuming the buffer doesn’t get outrageous in size.
map global user g %{<A-i>w"gy,m<esc>: grep <C-r>g<ret>: try %{delete-buffer *grep*:<C-r>g}<ret> : try %{rename-buffer *grep*:<C-r>g}<ret>}
Slightly better.
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How about:
define-command grep-add -params .. %{
try %{
execute-keys -buffer '*grep*' -save-regs '' '%s"Gy'
grep %arg(@)
hook -once 'buffer=*grep*' NormalIdle '' %{
execute-keys -draft 'gg"GP'
} catch %{
grep %arg(@)
map global user g '<a-i>w: mark; grep-add<ret>'
map global normal <c-n> ': grep-next-match<ret>'
map global normal <c-p> ': grep-previous-match<ret>'
It appears to be replacing for me, but very cool start. Lots of great ideas.
yeah, the syntax for the mark is : mark-pattern set WHATEVER
find is also a good companion to grep buffers.
One thing that I miss from Vim’s quickfix is that it is a stack, and this gets closer to it being a stack. If it split up the existing matches, pasting 0...grep_current_line
before the new matches and grep_current_line...$
after, then it would be a stack proper.