I just got into Kakoune courtesy of a YouTube video and so far it has been working pretty well, except for two things.
- I tried to create my own theme using kakoune-ink but the generated file doesn’t seem to be working too well?
face value rgb:547378,default
face type rgb:547378,default
face identifier rgb:547378,default
face string rgb:547378,default
face error default,rgb:000000
face keyword rgb:ffa58a,default+b
face operator rgb:212121,default
face attribute rgb:000000,default
face comment rgb:e2a5a2,default
face meta rgb:787878,default
face title rgb:547378,default+b
face header rgb:000000,default
face bold rgb:000000,default+b
face italic rgb:121212,default+i
face mono rgb:333333,rgb:dedede
face block rgb:333333,rgb:dedede
face link rgb:000000,default
face bullet rgb:000000,default
face list rgb:212121,default
kakoune UI
face Default rgb:547378,rgb:faf3eb+N
face PrimarySelection rgb:ffffff,rgb:e2a5a2
face SecondarySelection rgb:ffffff,rgb:d4817d
face PrimaryCursor rgb:ffffff,rgb:e2a5a2+b
face SecondaryCursor rgb:ffffff,rgb:d4817d+b
face MatchingChar default,rgb:cccccc
face Search default,rgb:cccccc
face Whitespace default,rgb:cccccc
face BufferPadding rgb:cccccc,default
face LineNumbers rgb:e2a5a2,default
face LineNumberCursor rgb:999999,default
face MenuForeground rgb:547378,rgb:f5ed00+N
face MenuBackground rgb:ffffff,rgb:ffa58a
face MenuInfo default,rgb:f5ed00
face Information default,rgb:f5ed00
face Error rgb:ededed,rgb:212121
face StatusLine rgb:e2a5a2,rgb:f3eae2+N
face StatusLineMode rgb:747378,rgb:f5ed00+b
face StatusLineInfo rgb:747378,rgb:9dcfd8
face StatusLineValue rgb:747378,rgb:9dcfd8
face StatusCursor default,rgb:e2a5a2
face Prompt rgb:ffffff,rgb:ffa58a+b
What’s wrong with it? Kakoune told me the following:
*** This is the debug buffer, where debug info will be written ***
/Users/name/.config/kak/colors/rochefort.kak:3:1: ‘face’: wrong argument count
/Users/name/.config/kak/kakrc:2:1: ‘colorscheme’: 1:2: ‘evaluate-commands’: 1:1: ‘source’: 3:1: ‘face’: wrong argument count
/opt/local/share/kak/kakrc:29:1: ‘evaluate-commands’: 141:1: ‘source’: 2:1: ‘colorscheme’: 1:2: ‘evaluate-commands’: 1:1: ‘source’: 3:1: ‘face’: wrong argument count
error while parsing kakrc:
1:1: ‘source’: 29:1: ‘evaluate-commands’: 141:1: ‘source’: 2:1: ‘colorscheme’: 1:2: ‘evaluate-commands’: 1:1: ‘source’: 3:1: ‘face’: wrong argument count
- Is there any way to integrate fzf into Kakoune in Kitty? I don’t feel super safe enabling remote control in Kitty and having to type kitty-terminal-tab fzf-termux is a lot of work.
Much thanks in advanced!