Hello, I’m sure some of you are using nix, and I’m guessing you’ve put together a bunch of config. Does anyone have good configs to share?
There’s already the home-manager module but it’s quite bare bones so far as I’m concerned. What I’m looking for is a full-blown kak-lsp
+ formatcmd
+ tree-sitter (which has this: GitHub - igor-ramazanov/kak-tree-sitter-helix: Generate kak-tree-sitter grammars, queries and themes using Helix. that I’m trying out).
Here’s what I’m envisioning:
programs.kakoune = {
enable = true;
languages = {
nix.enable = true;
typescript.enable = true;
typescript.lsp.enable = true;
typescript.tree-sitter.enable = true;
typescript.lint.enable = true;
typescript.format.enable = true;
typescript.format.package = "biome"; # would configure 'formatcmd'
autopairs.enable = true;
autopairs.package = pkgs.one-of-the-autopairs-plugins;
You get the gist of it, that’s just a random example. Just anything to speed up the initial setup
Is there any interest from anyone in partaking such a thing (using/contributing)? I’m considering starting off a flake but my nix-fu is very low, so I’m not looking to start complicating my config for zero users.
If not a “nix” distribution, I didn’t find any “distributions” with a quick google search. I haven’t used kakoune in a couple of years, but am looking to try again