Preview hexadecimal colors in status bar

While working with CSS files it can be useful to have a preview of colors.
For example in the following stylesheet, I would like to know what this warning background looks like:

.warning {
  background-color: #f90;

The following kakoune command displays a block in the status bar, colored with the value of the main selection.

It can handle the following rgba formats:

  • #ff9900ff
  • #ff9900
  • #f90f
  • #f90
  • ff9900ff
  • ff9900
  • f90f
  • f90
define-command show-color -docstring 'show main selection color in status bar' %{
  evaluate-commands %sh{
      if ((x=index($1,"#")) > 0)
        $1 = substr($1, x+1)
      if (length($1) == 8)
        $1 = substr($1, 1, 6)
      if (length($1) == 4)
        $1 = substr($1, 1, 3)
      if (length($1) == 3) {
        r = substr($1, 1, 1)
        g = substr($1, 2, 1)
        b = substr($1, 3, 1)
        $1 = r r g g b b
      print "evaluate-commands -client " client " echo -markup {rgb:" $1 "} ██████"
    printf %s\\n "$kak_selection" | awk -v client="$kak_client" "$awk_script" | kak -p "$kak_session"
