New to Kakoune, absolutely love it! It takes Vim to the next level.
I’m trying to map the normal mode jump commands <c-i> (jump forward) and <c-o> (jump backward) to something in the goto space: gn (goto next jump) and gp (goto previous jump). I thought something like this would work (the <esc> is there to get out of goto mode into normal mode, where <c-i> and <c-o> live):
map global goto n <esc><c-i>
map global goto p <esc><c-o>
Now gp works as expected, but gn does nothing. Any ideas?
Not exactly an alias. It just so happens that those two share the same code, like <c-m> and <return>. But I don’t know why this isn’t working though, that might be a bug.
On a side note Ctrl+i, and Ctrl+o is easier to press than gn. i and o are near each other, so it is just a matter of holding Ctrl with left hand and cycling with two fingers on your left Ctrl+o+i+o+i+i+o. Your mappings involve sequential input of two keys like gngngn are you sure that this would be more efficient?
Kakoune’s key-name syntax allows both <c-i> and <tab> as separate keys, but the terminal sends the same byte for both, so when Kakoune receives a 0x09 byte, it has to decide whether to turn it into a <c-i> key or a <tab> key.
In Kakoune today, map global <c-i> whatever will never be triggered, and map global whatever <c-i> won’t do anything. Someday somebody might make a Kakoune GUI that treats them as fully separate keys, but for now…