Running tig?

I am trying to puzzle out the best way to use tig with kakoune, currently I tend to drop out of kakoune and run tig. Better ways?

I usually pop a new terminal with i3 and just run tig. This way, I have kakoune along side tig.

What kind of integration between the two tools do you have in mind? Something like magit?

I’m also thinking that it will be great if Kakoune could use line-flags to display added lines (via using dff on file constantly)

What I use for running external terminal programs is the repl command (repl tig for example).
How it works is that it spawns a new terminal window with the command running on top and as I use I3 as my window manager, I can control the way I want to see it.

Regarding the integration, I really fail to see a good way of integrating tig (or any other external git program) onto kakoune. Magit is an awesome piece of software but I find it using emacs only as an application platform and not integrating it really (didn’t use emacs much so I might be wrong on that.). I think that having an external program managing stuff is better for the kakoune philosophy than creating an interface on top of it.

I do miss a program like magit though.


Actually, :repl tig is a solid solution, oddly enough I didn’t go to that by default.

I use the same pattern recommended for ranger integration, and it works great for tig:

This way I don’t really care what terminal I’m in, I can just flip over to tig in any of them. And it gets even smoother when I can implement some user-mode commands for quick access to certain parts of tig:

def tig-blame -override -docstring 'Open blame in tig for current file and line' %{ 
    suspend "tig blame +%val{cursor_line} %val{buffile} &&fg" 

map global user t ':suspend "tig &&fg"<ret>' -docstring 'launch tig'
map global user b ':tig-blame<ret>' -docstring 'show blame (with tig)'

It should be noted that the above code sample uses “suspend” which is covered on the Ranger wiki page I linked to above.

If all you’re doing is wanting to flip from kakoune to “some cli thing” and back to kakoune, suspend is a great tool.

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Thanks for this! went to try it out, but some of the syntax changed (even after updating to define-command I can’t launch it). Would you mind updating the snippet to the current kak release?

I realized that I tweaked this script a little bit to fit my use-case of

  • Suspend my kak client
  • Run a given cli command
  • When command exits successfully, bring kak client back to the foreground.

Below is my modified version:

def suspend-and-resume \
    -override \
    -params 1..2 \
    -docstring 'suspend-and-resume <cli command> [<kak command after resume>]' \
    %{ evaluate-commands %sh{

    nohup sh -c "sleep 0.01; osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to keystroke \"$1 && fg\\n\" '" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
    /bin/kill -SIGTSTP $kak_client_pid
    if [ ! -z "$2" ]; then
        echo "$2"

def tig-blame -override -docstring 'Open blame in tig for current file and line' %{
    suspend-and-resume "tig blame +%val{cursor_line} %val{buffile}" 

Note: mine is customized to work os OSX. For linux change the nohup and kill lines to the following:

    nohup sh -c "sleep 0.2; xdotool type '$1'; xdotool key Return" > /dev/null 2>&1 &
    /usr/bin/kill -SIGTSTP $kak_client_pid

@Delapouite I think it’d make sense to have a wiki page that documents this generalized pattern for toggling back-and-forth between other cli apps. Then, modify your Ranger wiki page to link out to the generalized pattern, and include the ranger specific config. Mind if I make that change?


You’re right, this suspend mechanism deserves its own wiki page.

This is awesome. This is going to get so much use!

Can somebody give me feedback on the updated wiki page I made - Integrating-Other-CLI-apps? I fear that I’m so familiar with this concept that I may have left out some important contextual information.

Also, can someone on linux give it a go? It should work, but I don’t have a running linux install to test on.

Once completed I think we’d just have the existing Ranger wiki page have a link to the subsection containing the examples of ranger integration.

Also feel free to edit the wiki page directly of course!

Works for me on Linux, you forgot }} tho :wink:

Good catch, thanks - I’ve fixed it on the wiki.

Even though I used a different mechanism, this inspired me to solve a long-standing problem: I want new kakoune clients in tmux running under an interactive shell so they can be suspended.

I overrode tmux-terminal-impl to start a login shell and send keystrokes to start Kakoune, then exit after.

It’s still a bit wonky: If I suspend it to the shell then fg Kakoune again, the shell no longer exits if I quit Kakoune. If I never suspend Kakoune, it works.

Fwiw you might be able to do that in a simpler way by changing the arguments to the terminal command, which should also work across each terminal backend. For example with bash

terminal bash -c 'bash --init-file <(echo "kak")'

The first bash -c call is to use the <() feature (which is not posix), the second is the actual interactive shell that gets run. Bash tip courtesy of this post, hopefully other shells have a similar (maybe even simpler) mechanism.

(this was supposed to be in reply to @eraserhd but apparently I don’t understand how those work on discourse)