Subtle differences between <a-i> and <a-a>

For some text objects, the difference between <a-i> and <a-a> is obvious.
For example <a-i>( selects inside the parenthesis while <a-a>( includes the parenthesis in the selection.

But for other text objects, the change in behavior can be missed. Recently I discovered the following cool nuance: if a number has decimals like 37.2 and your cursor is on the 3, <a-i>n will only select the first part before the dot 37, while <a-a>n will select the full number.

Are there any other nice <a-i> vs <a-a> that you encountered? Or some that you miss (it seems that not all text objects have distinction between these 2 sub-modes)?

<a-i>p selects the actual text of a paragraph.

<a-a>p selects the text of the paragraph, plus any following empty lines, so that you can delete/paste it somewhere else and leave inter-paragraph spacing intact.

Today I Learned! Neat.

Found another nuance recently with the whitespaces selector between the inner/outer mapping:

<a-i><space>: select spaces, tab chars (\t)
<a-a><space>: select spaces, tab chars (\t) and new line chars (\n)

This can be handy while fixing some wrong indentation by hand.