
Recently, on a machine where I don’t have Kakoune installed (for various obscure reasons), I had to go back to good old vim.

The transition was mostly painless for basic edition and text-objects but I was still cruelly missing the mass editing capabilities of the multiple-selections paradigm.

I remember trying several plugins in the past that we’re often buggy or not very powerful. It turns out that the landscape is different now, and I’m pretty pleased with this recent contender:

It’s not an exact replica of Kakoune philosophy or mapping but it offers nice possibilities nonetheless.
For example, there’s no “use the capital letter to extend” but rather “a press <tab> to enter extend mode”.

Also, the cursor concept is not always tied to selections. Which means that your can craft your selections (what they called regions), move around in your file to see another part of the code and come back to your waiting selections.
It alleviates a pain often describe on Kakoune’s issue tracker where the main cursor always has to stay in the view.

Regions-shifting is a nice addition too, and would deserve to be builtin in Kakoune.

Even if it’s for a few minutes, give it a try after reading their wiki to get the feeling. It may inspire nice ideas to bring back to Kakoune.

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I saw this plugin was created when we discussed multiple cursor request in NeoVim GH repo (also that’s the moment when I’ve discovered Kakoune and it blew my mind).

The main concern I saw with this plugin was that there’s lots of commands that user needs to bind in order to use the plugin. What was your experience with it in terms of keys?