Having some infos to the left of the status line help me honestly but @mawww keeps refusing it in core. I wouldn’t rely to the color of the cursor only—I know it’s on the right but it’s a long reach—to have the mode information for disabled people. Something similar to Helix with color modes would be neat.
I meant that in my case, I managed to miss mode changes even with something as drastic as white/dark background changes (analogous to the curtain trick in the video). As I said, the only effective alert about mode changes was changes in the appearance of the cursor (the focus of attention).
Aligning mode info on the left of the modeline would help, too.
While Kakoune doesn’t use ncurses anymore, it’s still true that the terminal only supports one cursor (while Kakoune supports multiple) and Kakoune’s editing model defines the cursor to be at least 1 character cell wide, not 0, so the “vertical line” cursor often used to indicate insert mode would be inaccurate.
It would be possible to “blink” the character cell under the cursor so that most of the time it displayed the actual character, but some of the time switched to displaying something like U+258F LEFT ONE EIGHTH BLOCK “▏” but that would be clunky in its own way.
If I ever decide to write my own text editor for some reason, I’ll experiment with an editing model that supports zero-width selections, but I expect it’s a bit late to change that in Kakoune.
I would also be interested in trying sound feedback, perhaps having a click/beep sound in insert mode. I’m not sure if I could tolerate this but would be interested in experimenting. Any sound recipes welcomed.
We can still ask the terminal to make the main cursor a vertical line while in insert mode.
It won’t be as configurable in terms of faces but I don’t think that’s a big deal
Please note that Kakoune starts in Normal mode, so the colors you choose for these hooks must be consistent with the colors when Kakoune starts (which depend on your colorscheme).